原书名:The Philosopher: A History in Six Types
原作者:Justein E.H. Smith
What would the global history of philosophy look like if it were told not as a story of ideas but as a series of job descriptions--ones that might have been used to fill the position of philosopher at different times and places over the past 2,500 years? The Philosopher does just that, providing a new way of looking at the history of philosophy by bringing to life six kinds of figures who have occupied the role of philosopher in a wide range of societies around the world over the millennia--the Natural Philosopher, the Sage, the Gadfly, the Ascetic, the Mandarin, and the Courtier. The result is at once an unconventional introduction to the global history of philosophy and an original exploration of what philosophy has been--and perhaps could be again. By uncovering forgotten or neglected philosophical job descriptions, the book reveals that philosophy is a universal activity, much broader--and more gender inclusive--than we normally think today. In doing so, The Philosopher challenges us to reconsider our idea of what philosophers can do and what counts as philosophy. 此次合作后,编辑与负责人反馈优秀的话,能与新华出版社长期合作,稿费会相应提高。 项目期限:待定 试译期限:2016年6月30日之前。 译者数量:2人。 对译者要求: 1. 以试译稿的质量为核心选取指标。 2. 最好有相关书籍的翻译经验或哲学学位。此两属性若至少有一符合,请在试译稿中加上相关说明。 如果有任何其他问题,请发邮件至jianghaoqian@yeeyan.com质询。
Justin E. H. Smith (born July 30, 1972 in Reno, Nevada) is a professor of history and philosophy of science at the University of Paris 7 - Denis Diderot.`He has authored several booksand is also a regular contributor to The New York Times, Harper's Magazine,n+1, Slate,and The Chronicle of Higher Education.Smith is an editor-at-large of Cabinet Magazine and a frequent contributor to the Monday magazine of the 3 Quarks Daily blog.
