原书名:What the f: what swearing reveals about our language, our brains, and ourselves
原作者:Benjamin K. Bergen
本书由于特殊原因现再次开放试译,请在11月7日前提交试译稿, 之前已报名译者且修订过译文的,请在评论区留言。 #译者要求#: ·报名译者请务必提交试译稿,报名成功后,点击图书页面右上方“试译链接”可直接修改并完善试译稿。 - 中英文水平俱佳,达到图书出版的标准    - 有相关背景加分 - 在之后三个月有足够时间参加翻译 - 认同协作翻译的模式,愿意承担后期互审工作   - 稿酬结算方式为一次性稿酬制70/千字 编辑推荐: Nearly everyone sw ears—whether it’s over a few too many drinks, in reaction to a stubbed toe, or in flagrante delicto. And yet, we sit idly by as words are banned from television and censored in books. We insist that people excise profanity from their vocabularies and we punish children for yelling the very same dirty words that we’ll mutter in relief seconds after they fall asleep. Swearing, it seems, is an intimate part of us that we have decided to selectively deny. That’s a damn shame. Swearing is useful. It can be funny, cathartic, or emotionally arousing. As linguist and cognitive scientist Benjamin K. Bergen shows us, it also opens a new window onto how our brains process language and why languages vary around the world and over time. In this groundbreaking yet ebullient romp through the linguistic muck, Bergen answers intriguing questions: How can patients left otherwise speechless after a stroke still shout Goddamn! when they get upset? When did a cock grow to be more than merely a rooster? Why is crap vulgar when poo is just childish? Do slurs make you treat people differently? Why is the first word that Samoan children say not mommy but eat shit? And why do we extend a middle finger to flip someone the bird? Smart as hell and funny as fuck, What the F is mandatory reading for anyone who wants to know how and why we swear. 目录 1. Holy, Fucking, Shit, Nigger 2. What Makes a Four-Letter Word? 3. One Finger Is Worth a Thousand Words 4. The Holy Priest with the Vulgar Tongue 5. The Day the Pope Dropped the C-Bomb 6. Fucking Grammar 7. How Cock Lost Its Feather 8. Little Samoan Potty Mouths 9. Fragile Little Minds 10. The $100,000 Word 11. The Paradox of Profanity
Benjamin K. Bergen is a professor of cognitive science at the University of California, San Diego, where he directs the Language and Cognition Laboratory. He writes for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today and appears on NPR’s Morning Edition, the Brain Science Podcast, and elsewhere. He lives in San Diego, California. 温馨提示: -欲加入项目成为译者,请务必提交试译稿。 -试译稿的质量将作为是否入选的唯一标准。 -报名成功后,直接点击图书页面右上方“试译链接”可直接修改并完善试译稿。 全书共10万字英文,3个月内翻译完毕。 译者要求如下: - 中英文水平俱佳,达到图书出版的标准    - 有相关背景加分 - 有足够时间参加翻译 - 认同协作翻译的模式,反馈及时,愿意承担后期互审工作   - 稿酬结算方式为一次性稿酬制70/千字
