原书名:A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture
原作者:Elie G. Haddad and David rifkind(编)
1960, following as it did the last CIAM meeting, signalled a turning point for the Modern Movement. From then on, architecture was influenced by seminal texts by Aldo Rossi and Robert Venturi, and gave rise to the first revisionary movement following Modernism. Bringing together leading experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive, critical overview of the developments in architecture from 1960 to 2010. It consists of two parts: the first section providing a presentation of major movements in architecture after 1960, and the second, a geographic survey that covers a wide range of territories around the world. This book not only reflects the different perspectives of its various authors, but also charts a middle course between the 'aesthetic' histories that examine architecture solely in terms of its formal aspects, and the more 'ideological' histories that subject it to a critique that often skirts the discussion of its formal aspects. 简介 《当代建筑史》全书文图460页,索引近40页;共22章。英文约二十万字。详见附件。 翻译时间是六个月,分三个时间段交稿(具体时间再商议定)。 目前考虑,这本书希望由两个人共同完成。如果有困难需要由三个人共同完成,翻译时间会相应缩短。 网站链接 http://www.amazon.cn/A-Critical-History-of-Contemporary-Architecture-1960-2010/dp/140943981X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1448418308&sr=1-1&keywords=A+Critical+History+of+Contemporary+Architecture+1960-2010 对译者要求 1、建筑相关专业 2、有海外留学或工作经历 3、有责任心 4、文笔好
